OAR 581-002-0035

The Director of the Department of Education may grant waivers as follows:
(1) Waiver of a specific standard: To address an immediate concern or need, a school district may petition the Director for a waiver of a specific standard. A petition shall specify the reason(s) the district is seeking the waiver and other relevant information. If it is determined that the request conforms with the intent of the standards, the Director shall recommend the waiver to the State Board. Waivers under this provision may be granted for up to one year.
(2) Educational Flexibility Partnership Demonstration Act (Ed-Flex) Waiver:
(a) This federal Act allows school districts to request a waiver of statutory or regulatory requirements under the following federal programs or Acts:
(A) Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) Title I, Helping Disadvantaged Children Meet High Standards;
(B) ESEA Title II, Teacher Quality;
(C) ESEA Title IV, Safe Drug Free Schools;
(D) ESEA Title V, Innovative Education Program Strategies;
(E) ESEA Title VII, Part C — Emergency Immigrant Education;
(F) Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Applied Technology Education Act.
(b) The application must demonstrate that the school district, if the waiver is granted, will still meet the underlying purposes of the federal statutory requirements. The request of an Ed-Flex Waiver must be made on the appropriate application form available from the Department of Education. Waivers under this provision may be granted for periods not to exceed five years.
(3) ADM Report Waivers:
(a) “ADM” means average daily membership as defined in ORS 327.006 (Definitions for State School Fund distributions)(3).
(b) If a state of emergency is declared pursuant to ORS 401.165 (Declaration of state of emergency) et. seq., and all public schools are closed by order of the Governor, the Director may waive a report of ADM that is otherwise required under ORS 327.133 (Reports by districts).

Source: Rule 581-002-0035 — Waivers, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 581-002-0035’s source at