OAR 740-050-0010
Regulation of Oregon Intrastate Motor Carrier Rates and Routes, Classifications and Mileage Guides


“Participating carriers” means a carrier for whom an agent files a tariff, or any part thereof, with the Department for review and approval.


To provide antitrust immunity to persons who collaborate for the purpose of determining all rates for the transportation of household goods for the transportation of other property, classifications, mileage guides and other publications relating to the transportation of property, the Department will accept for review and approval tariffs and other relevant submissions presented by carriers or their agents. The following apply to mileage guides:


Mileage guides, electronic or otherwise, or any amendments thereto, shall be submitted to the Department for approval; and


The Department shall, within 60 days, determine the accuracy of the mileage guide, or amendments thereto, and shall either accept or reject the submission. In determining accuracy, the Department shall, to the extent possible, rely on the Official Highway Map of Oregon.


The rules of the Department in division 50 shall apply:


To the transportation of household goods; and


To tariff provisions relating to classifications and mileage guides which have been submitted to the Department for review and approval.


Tariffs which are subject to the jurisdiction of the Department and are filed by a carrier for review and approval may be filed by an authorized agent of the carrier if the carrier has provided the agent with a written power of attorney authorizing the agent to act on its behalf. A tariff published and filed by an agent on behalf of a carrier shall identify clearly the carrier for whom the tariff is being published.

Source: Rule 740-050-0010 — Regulation of Oregon Intrastate Motor Carrier Rates and Routes, Classifications and Mileage Guides, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 740-050-0010’s source at