OAR 740-050-0050
Size and Form of Tariffs and Time Schedules


Tariffs and time schedules must be in book, loose-leaf, sheet or pamphlet form. Individual pages to loose leaf tariffs shall be designated so that changes can be made by reissuing individual pages or pages published as a unit.


Tariffs and time schedules or supplements thereto containing five or more pages must be printed on regular letter size paper of good quality, 8 or 8-12 x 11 inches, from type of size not less than 6 point, full face. Tariffs and time schedules containing four pages or less may be typewritten, provided all copies are clear and legible. Alterations in writing or erasures must not be made. Reproduction may be by any process, providing all copies are clear and permanently legible.

Source: Rule 740-050-0050 — Size and Form of Tariffs and Time Schedules, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 740-050-0050’s source at