OAR 740-050-0640
Tariff Bureau Ratemaking Practices and Procedures


For-hire carriers may authorize tariff bureaus whose rules of procedure have been approved by the Department to file petitions and publish tariffs in their behalf and to represent their interests before the Department.


A carrier member of a tariff bureau, which carrier is affiliated in any way with a shipper, may not serve on the tariff bureau’s board of directors, rate committees, or any other committee which has an effect, either directly or indirectly, on the ratemaking function of the bureau without prior approval of the Department.


A tariff bureau shall not broaden the territorial or commodity scope of an individual rate proposal without giving notice to member carriers and affected shippers.


Tariff bureaus shall not discourage independent proposals of member carriers nor oppose at hearings any independent proposal of a member or nonmember carrier.

Source: Rule 740-050-0640 — Tariff Bureau Ratemaking Practices and Procedures, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 740-050-0640’s source at