OAR 740-050-0100
Adoption of Tariffs — Time Schedules


In case a for-hire household goods carrier tariff, is transferred from the operating control of one company to that of another, or when its name is changed, the new carrier, if it intends to use tariffs issued by the old carrier powers of attorney granted by the old carrier, shall issue and file supplements to such tariffs and/or time schedules containing an adoption notice reading substantially as follows:
“The ____(Name of Carrier)____ hereby adopts, ratifies, and makes its own in every respect as if the same had been originally issued and filed by it, all tariffs, rules, notices, traffic agreements, divisions, authorities, powers of attorney, or other instruments whatsoever, filed with the Public Utility Commission of Oregon or the Oregon Department of Transportation by the ___(Name of Old Carrier)___ prior to (date) the beginning of its possession. By this notice it also adopts and ratifies all supplements or amendments to any of the above tariffs, which have heretofore been filed with said Commission or the Department.”


Powers of attorney so adopted must be replaced and superseded by new powers of attorney issued by and in the name of the new carrier, and in each instance cancelling the powers of attorney superseded.


In case a household goods carrier secures permission from the Department to temporarily discontinue operation of all or a part of its service, it shall issue and file supplements to its tariffs containing notice of such temporary discontinuance, and upon resumption of the discontinued service file further supplements containing notice of such resumption.


Adoption, discontinuance and resumption supplements shall be assigned the next consecutive supplement number. Adoption notices may be filed and made effective immediately. Discontinuance and resumption supplements will be made effective in accordance with the Department’s permission in each case. Such supplements will not be counted against the number of supplements permitted to such tariffs.


Subsequent amendments to adopted tariffs must be filed in consecutively numbered supplements until the tariffs are reissued. The reissued tariffs and/or time schedules shall be numbered in the ODOT Oregon series of the new carrier.

Source: Rule 740-050-0100 — Adoption of Tariffs — Time Schedules, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=740-050-0100.

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 740-050-0100’s source at