OAR 740-050-0230
Tariffs Shall Contain in the Order Named


Table of contents or index: a full and complete statement, in alphabetical order, of the exact location where information under general headings will be found, specifying page or item numbers. If a tariff contains so small a volume of matter that the contents are plainly disclosed, the table of contents or index may be omitted.


Names of issuing carriers, alphabetically arranged, or by proper reference describe the tariff containing these provisions. If there be not more than five participating carriers, their names may be shown on the title page. The form and number of power of attorney to the tariff must be shown (see OAR 740-050-0060 (Form of Appointment of Agent)).


Complete index, alphabetically arranged, of all commodities upon which commodity rates are named, showing page upon which such rates will be found, also item numbers.


Complete index, alphabetically arranged, of all commodities upon which exceptions to the classification are made, showing page upon which they are found, also item number.


Complete index, alphabetically or geographically arranged, of all points from and to which tariff rates or fares apply, showing the index numbers and/or item numbers under which rates or fares will be found.


An official list of all the points in connection with which the tariff applies.


The different routes via which tariff applies must be shown together with appropriate reference to application of rates. When a tariff specifies routing, the rates may not be applied via routes not specified.


Explanation of reference marks and technical abbreviations used in the tariff, except that a special provision applying to a particular rate may be shown in connection with and on the same page with such rate.


Such explanatory statement in clear and explicit terms regarding the general application of rates and rules contained in the tariff as may be necessary to remove all doubt as to their proper application.


Complete description of all commodities upon which exception to the classification class ratings, rules or requirements are authorized showing item number, classification and other detail information.


Rules and regulations which govern the tariff, the title of each rule or regulation to be shown, or by proper reference describe the tariff containing such rules and regulations. Under this head all of the rules, regulations or conditions which in any way affect the rates named in the tariff will be entered.


An explicit statement of the rates, in cents or in dollars and cents together with the names of the points from, to or between which they apply, arranged in a simple and systematic manner, under proper index and item numbers. Tariffs shall be arranged in sections to separate different kinds of rates or provisions. The sections must be consecutively numbered and differentiation among sections must be clear.


Each tariff which contains class and/or commodity rates shall also contain a rule reading, “Whenever a class rate and a commodity rate are named between specified points, the lower of such rates is the lawful rate.”


Tariff publications or supplements thereto must indicate increases, reductions, changes made in existing rates, charges, rules, regulations or classifications, or the insertion of new material, by the use of uniform symbols. Clear explanation of the use of symbols must be made in the tariff.


At the foot of the last page of a tariff or supplement the words “The End” or “Last Page” should be shown.


The terms “all points,” “in the vicinity of” or similar terms must not be used in any tariff for the purpose of indicating the points from, to or between which rates or fares named therein apply.


Commodity rates must be specific and must not be applied to analogous articles.

Source: Rule 740-050-0230 — Tariffs Shall Contain in the Order Named, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 740-050-0230’s source at