OAR 740-050-0110
Suspension of Tariff and Schedule Publications


When the Department suspends the operation and defers the use of a tariff the following course shall be pursued by carriers.


Upon receipt of the order of suspension the carrier or agent shall immediately issue and file with the Department a supplement stating that the tariff is under suspension and shall not be used until further and proper notice.


When the Department vacates an order of suspension, the carrier or agent who published and filed such suspended tariff or supplement thereto shall immediately issue and file with the Department a supplement stating the date upon which the tariff or supplement becomes effective.


Every suspension or vacation supplement issued under authority of this rule must bear on title page the following notation: “Issued under authority of OAR 740-050-0110 (Suspension of Tariff and Schedule Publications) and in compliance with Order No.______ of the Oregon Department of Transportation of (date) __________, 20 __.”


Suspension and/or vacation supplements will be assigned the next consecutive supplement number and will not be counted against the number of supplements permitted to such tariffs.

Source: Rule 740-050-0110 — Suspension of Tariff and Schedule Publications, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 740-050-0110’s source at