OAR 740-050-0140
Posting of Tariffs


The provisions of this rule shall apply to for-hire carriers transporting household goods.


A copy of the tariffs of carriers showing all rates, classifications, charges, or rules and regulations affecting rates, classifications or charges shall be kept by every carrier readily accessible for inspection by the public at all reasonable times in every station or office of such carrier where property is received for transportation, when such station or office is in charge of an agent.


Agents shall be provided with facilities for tariffs in readily accessible form and shall be instructed and required to give information contained in such tariffs to lend assistance to seekers for information therefrom and to accord inquirers opportunity to examine any of said tariffs without requiring the inquirer to assign any reason for such desire.

Source: Rule 740-050-0140 — Posting of Tariffs, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 740-050-0140’s source at