OAR 733-030-0065
Permit Fees and Installation

(1) Upon the approval of a Permit for a logo plaque or sign, the Council shall request installation of the logo plaque or sign from ODOT, the Council sign crew or the Council contractor as determined appropriate by the Council staff. The Council shall provide the installer with all necessary information to install the logo plaque or sign.
(2) The Council shall notify a Business promptly when a Permit has been approved to allow the sufficient time to furnish the necessary number of logo plaques. If the Council is notified that a Business has failed to furnish its logo plaques by the specified date given by the Council, or that the logo plaques furnished are not in compliance with specifications provided by the Council, it may cancel the Permit and refund the amount paid in advance by the Business.
(3) The annual Permit fee for each logo plaque or sign must be based on the traffic volume and population density of the area where the highway is located. Permit fees will be reviewed and established annually by the Council pursuant to ORS 377.825 (Fees for sign applications, maintenance costs and reinstallation).
(4) Permit fees will be charged according to the Council’s current Fee Schedule. When Permit fees are reviewed for potential changes, the Council shall send a notice of Permit fee changes to each business with a Permit and to all interested parties requesting the information. Businesses and interested parties will have 30 days to respond in writing or attend a public hearing scheduled after the 30-day time period. The Fee Schedule will also be available on the Council web site for personal download or by mail upon request.
(5) In accordance with OAR 733-030-0055 (State Sign Policy)(10)-(12), Permit fees are due with the contract and the Permit automatically renewed upon receipt of the annual payment of invoice to the Council on or before the payment due date stated in the Council’s invoice.
(6) A late fee will be assessed on those Businesses that pay the annual payment of invoice after the 45-day payment due date has expired.
(7) Permit fees for Food Businesses that display the name of two distinct brand of Food on one food logo plaque will be charged 1-13 the Permit fee of a regular Food Business Permit fee in that area. Permit fees for Gas Businesses that include a Food name on their logo plaque will be charged 1-13 the Permit fee of a regular Gas Business Permit fee in that area. Payment of Permit fees is the responsibility of the Gas Business, which will be designated as the primary Business.
(8) Permit fees for combination legend signing will be charged 1-13 the fee for one Service Legend charged in that area.
(9) The Council may charge a fee when a Business desires to replace their logo plaques due to a redesign of the logo plaque, color or a change in the registered business name.
(10) If a Business desires to move their logo plaque from their current position on a Mainline or Advance Logo Sign to a vacant position on the same Mainline or Advance Logo Sign, the Council will charge a relocation fee.
(11) When a vacancy occurs on a Mainline or Advance Logo Sign, the Council will give written notification to all Businesses with logo plaques on that Mainline or Advance Logo Sign to respond within seven (7) days of any preference they may have for relocating their logo plaque to a vacant position on that Mainline or Advance Logo Sign.
(12) If two or more Businesses indicate preference for the same vacant space, the Business with longest seniority on that Mainline or Advance Logo Sign will be offered the first option to relocate their logo plaque.
(13) The Council will charge a fee when a TOD or Museum Business desires to change their registered business name resulting in the manufacture and installation of new TOD or Museum signs.
(15) If any Business is publicly owned and operated or not-for profit as determined by the Federal Internal Revenue Service, the Permit fee will be set at the non-profit sign fee rate. Proof of not-for profit status must be submitted with the application.

Source: Rule 733-030-0065 — Permit Fees and Installation, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 733-030-0065’s source at