OAR 733-030-0011

733-030-0011 (Definitions)
As used in these rules, the following definitions apply unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
(1) “Advance Logo Plaque” means a separately attached plaque mounted on the Advance Logo Sign showing the brand, symbol, trademark, name, or combination of these, for a Business on a Conventional State Highway.
(2) “Advance Logo Sign” means a sign bearing separately affixed individual Advance Logo Plaques for eligible Businesses erected in advance of Intersections on a Conventional State Highway.
(3) “Advance Museum Sign” means a sign with the registered business name of a qualified Museum or Historic Site erected in advance of Intersections on a Conventional State Highway.
(4) “Advance TOD Sign” means a sign with the registered business name of a qualified TOD erected in advance of Intersections on a Conventional State Highway.
(5) “Attraction” means any Business of Regional Significance that provides the general public with an Agricultural, Cultural, Historical, or recreational activity. The following terms must be used to further define Attraction:
(a) “Agricultural” means an activity or Business illustrating local and/or Oregon specialized livestock or agricultural products and processes, production and sale of freshly harvested produce, or cultivation and sale of seasonal agricultural products.
(b) “Cultural” means an activity or Business relating to local and/or Oregon artistic pursuits, events, handicrafts, artisan demonstrations, or local gift/souvenir shops.
(c) “Historical” means a Business or activity based on history reflecting the past events of the area where the Business or activity is signed.
(d) “Recreational” means any Business or activity that people engage in during their free time as by means of agreeable exercise offering a form of leisure, amusement or relaxation.
(e) “Regional significance” means a travel experience that is important to Oregon visitor interests and the state of Oregon tourism industry.
(6) “Brewery District” means a cluster of like breweries, tap rooms, or tasting rooms in a concentrated area of no less than six city blocks in size and with no less than four like Businesses.
(7) “Building” means any permanent structure used or intended for supporting or sheltering any use or occupancy.
(8) “Business” means a facility which has met the qualifications for the placement of a Logo, TOD or Museum Sign.
(9) “Conventional State Highway” means any highway that is classified by ODOT as either a State, Regional, or District highway that is not an Expressway, Freeway or Interstate as defined in sections (14), (16), and (27) of this rule.
(10) “Council” means the Travel Information Council created by ORS 377.835 (Creation of Travel Information Council as semi-independent state agency).
(11) “Cultural District” means a cluster of like Businesses in a concentrated area of no less than six city blocks in size and with no less than four like Businesses.
(12) “Directional Legend” means a word message relating to or showing direction such as the Exit number, Next Right, or Left 14 Mile.
(13) “Dual Logo Plaque” means an Advance, Intersection, Mainline or Ramp Logo Plaque with two distinctive brand symbols displayed on one plaque on a Gas or Food Advance, Intersection, Mainline or Ramp Logo Sign where the two Businesses are located in the same Business.
(14) “Engineer” means the State Traffic-Roadway Engineer.
(15) “Expressway” means a divided highway usually having two or more lanes for exclusive use of traffic in each direction and incorporating partial control of access.
(16) “Fee Schedule” means a posted schedule of the Permit fees that will be paid by Businesses for Logo, TOD and Museum Signs on a yearly basis, the replacement fees assessed when a logo customer changes their plaque design or a TOD or Museum customer changes their registered business name, or the reinstallation fees that will be paid by a Business that had their plaques or signs removed due to non-payment of fees or the late payment fee assessed after the 45 day invoice renewal grace period has lapsed.
(17) “Freeway” means a divided highway with full control of access.
(18) “General Service Sign” means a single word legend or approved symbol as an alternative to the word legend located in advance of an exit or Interchange to be used when Logo Signs are not available.
(19) “Historic District” means a cluster of like Businesses in a concentrated area of no less than six city blocks in size and with no less than four like Businesses.
(20) “Historic Site” means a property currently listed in the National Register of Historic Places or designated as nationally significant by the United States Department of the Interior.
(21) “Immediate Area” means the region around a Business to a distance of 50 miles.
(22) “Indoor” means located or used inside a building.
(23) “Interchange” means a major road junction where vehicles can by means of access roads, bridges and underpasses, change from one road to another.
(24) “Intersection” means the area where two or more roadways join or cross at the same elevation.
(25) “Intersection Logo Plaque” means a separately attached plaque mounted on the Intersection Logo Sign showing the brand, symbol, trademark, name, or combination of these, for a Business on a Conventional State Highway.
(26) “Intersection Logo Sign” means a sign bearing separately affixed individual Intersection Logo Plaques for eligible Businesses erected on, opposite, or at the intersection of a Conventional State Highway.
(27) “Intersection Museum Sign” means a sign with the registered business name of a qualified Museum or historic site erected on, opposite, or at the Intersection of a Conventional State Highway.
(28) "Intersection TOD Sign” means a sign with the registered business name of a qualified TOD erected on, opposite, or at the Intersection of a Conventional State Highway.
(29) “Interstate” means the part of the federally funded system of highways connecting the major cities, regions of the state and other states and is the highest level of mobility at the highest speed for a long uninterrupted distance for through traffic, has full access control and grade separations at major Intersections.
(30) “Interstate Oasis” means a Business near an Interstate, Expressway, and Freeway but not within the Interstate right-of-way, designated by the Council after meeting the eligibility criteria of these rules, that provides products and services to the public, 24-hour access to public restrooms, and parking for automobiles and heavy trucks.
(31) “Logo Sign” means a sign located on highway right of way and includes Advance Logo Sign, Intersection Logo Sign, Mainline Logo Sign, and Ramp Logo Sign.
(32) “Mainline Logo Plaque” means a separately attached plaque mounted on the Mainline Logo Sign showing the brand, symbol, trademark, name, or combination of these, for a Business on an Interstate, Expressway or Freeway.
(33) “Mainline Logo Sign” means a sign bearing separately affixed individual Mainline Logo Plaques for eligible Businesses erected in advance of exit ramps and Interchanges on an Interstate, Expressway or Freeway.
(34) “Meal” means a combination of food items that are prepared and cooked on the licensed premises that includes one principal item and one side dish. Examples of principal items are fish, steak, chicken, pasta, and sandwich. Examples of side dishes are potatoes, potato salad, rice, french fries, beans and vegetables.
(35) “Museum” means a Business applying for Museum Signs on a Conventional State Highway. A Museum must be a building, place, or institution devoted to the acquisition, conservation, study, exhibition, and educational interpretation of objects having scientific, historical, or artistic value.
(36) “ODOT” means the Oregon Department of Transportation.
(37) “Owner” means a holder of fee title.
(38) “Permit” means a signed agreement between an approved Business and the Travel Information Council for each Logo, TOD and/or Museum Sign.
(39) “Ramp Logo Plaque” means a separately attached plaque mounted on the Ramp Logo Sign showing the brand, symbol, trademark, name, or combination of these, for a Business on an Interstate, Expressway or Freeway.
(40) “Ramp Logo Sign” means a sign bearing separately affixed individual Ramp Logo Plaques for eligible Businesses erected on, opposite, or at the terminus of an exit ramp of the Interstate, Expressway or Freeway.
(41) “Responsible Operator” means a person or entity other than an Owner who operates a Business and who has authority to enter into an agreement relative to matters covered by these rules.
(42) “RV” means recreational vehicle.
(43) “Service Legend” means the words displayed in reflective white on the Mainline Logo or Ramp Logo sign that are limited to Gas, Food, Lodging, Camping or Attraction and on the Advance Logo or Intersection Logo Sign that are limited to Gas, Food, Lodging or Camping.
(44) “Simultaneous” means occurring, operating, or done at the same time or within one month.
(45) “Supplemental Message” means an approved word message displayed horizontally along the bottom of an Advance, Intersection, Mainline and/or Ramp Logo Plaque presenting approved essential motorist information.
(46) “Tourist Oriented Directional or TOD” means an Attraction Business applying for signs on a Conventional State Highway.
(47) “Traffic Control Devices” means any sign, signal, marking or device placed, operated or erected by authority under ORS 810.210 (Placement and control of traffic control devices), for the purpose of guiding, directing, warning or regulating traffic.
(48) “Trailblazer” means a small sign with a Service Legend, or the name, direction and distance to the Business. Trailblazers are used when larger signs cannot be used due to sign space limitations.
(49) “Urban” means the area within the urban growth boundary, within a Special Transportation Area of an unincorporated community, or within an Urban Unincorporated Community defined in OAR 660-022-0010 (Definitions).
(50) “Winery District” means a cluster of like wineries, vineyards, or tasting rooms in a concentrated area of no less than six city blocks in size and with no less than four like Businesses.

Source: Rule 733-030-0011 — Definitions, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 733-030-0011’s source at