OAR 733-030-0460
State Sign Policy


If an eligible Interstate Oasis business existing within three miles of an interchange has not applied for a permit for Interstate Oasis signing, then an otherwise eligible Interstate Oasis business that is located farther than three miles from the interchange may apply for a permit.


If applications are received for any one interchange from more than one eligible Interstate Oasis business, the order of priority must be based on the date of the properly completed application received by Council.


The owner or responsible operator of an Interstate Oasis business must file an application for Interstate Oasis signing on a form specified by the Council.


Eligibility of Interstate Oasis businesses for continued placement of their Interstate Oasis signing may be reviewed by the Travel Information Council at any time to assess whether the businesses and sign locations meet present guidelines. If the review finds that the business or the signing location does not meet all applicable rules and laws, the signing may be removed.

Source: Rule 733-030-0460 — State Sign Policy, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 733-030-0460’s source at