OAR 733-030-0440


A separate Interstate Oasis sign must have a blue reflective background with a white reflective border and white reflective legends. The directional legend must consist of the exit number, or an action message such as “NEXT RIGHT,” and the service legend must read “INTERSTATE OASIS.” All numbers must be 10 inches in height and all words must be in 10-inch capital letters.


A ramp Interstate Oasis sign must have the legend “OASIS” in white reflective 6-inch capital letters on a blue reflective background with white reflective border.


If Logo signing is provided at the interchange, a business designated as an Interstate Oasis and having a Logo Plaque on a Logo Sign may use the bottom portion of the Plaque to display the word “OASIS” as a Supplemental Message.

Source: Rule 733-030-0440 — Composition, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 733-030-0440’s source at