OAR 733-030-0155

In addition to the definitions described in OAR 733-030-011, the following definitions apply unless the context indicates otherwise:


“Applicant” means an entity, group or individual applying for the placement of a new or replacement historical marker.


“Committee” means the Historical Marker Committee acting as an advisory board. The Committee meets quarterly, and consists of volunteer representatives from various governmental and historical organizations statewide. The Committee is comprised of voting members, and advisors representing six geographic sections of the state.


“Defined Geological Feature” means a geological site of state or regional significance, as defined in Oregon Historical Marker guidelines.


“Defined Historical Feature” means a site designated by the State Historical Marker Committee to commemorate an event, person or place of statewide or national significance, as defined in Oregon Historical Marker guidelines.


“Directional Information” means an advance sign stating “historical marker ahead,” or “geological marker ahead” or other necessary information to direct the motoring public to defined historical feature or defined geological feature placed on a marker.


“Marker” means an historical sign panel and support structure.


“Sponsor” means an entity, group or individual that is responsible for a financial contribution to the cost of the new marker, and future maintenance of the new marker. The sponsor and the Council have authority to enter into an agreement relative to matters covered by these administrative rules.

Source: Rule 733-030-0155 — Definitions, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 733-030-0155’s source at