OAR 733-030-0520


Intentionally left blank —Ed.


Organizations may make written requests for permission to sponsor a “free coffee” service at a specific rest area directed to the Council not more than 60 days prior to the date(s) requested. Requests must be submitted on form “Free Coffee Program Application and Permit” available from the Council;


The organization must certify that they have been granted non-profit status by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and may be required at the discretion of the Council to provide a copy of the IRS determination letter;


The Council will grant permission for the activity by way of a permit issued to the selected organization. The selection will be made not less than 30 days in advance of the date(s) requested from all permits received, and will be based on a random drawing conducted by the Council if multiple requests for the same date(s) and location are received. For purposes of issuing permits, if a rest area is sited on both sides of the highway, each side of the rest area will be considered a single location;


Permits will be issued for a single location in 24-hour increments (12:00 a.m.–11:59 p.m.) for up to 3 consecutive days per permit with a maximum of three permits per month;


Only one organization will be granted a permit for a single location for any particular date or time;


The Council may decline to issue any permits for a single location or for any particular date or time; and


A copy of the permit must be on-site during operation of the “free coffee” service;


The “free coffee” service will be located in a designated area of the rest area. The area will be designated by the Council. The service is not permitted to obstruct access to any building or other structure in the rest area. The area is to be kept neat and free of litter, cups, etc., associated with the service.


The organization shall comply with all state and local health department rules and regulations.


Carbonated beverages shall not be distributed under the “free coffee” program in rest areas where carbonated beverages are available in vending machines.


Coffee and cookies are to be free of charge to the public. Donations may be received by the organization but not sought or requested, except for the allowed use of one opaque container with the words “donations” or “contributions” in a maximum of one-inch letters.


No more than two signs or posters with a maximum area of ten square feet each may be used to identify the “free coffee” service and the organization by name only i.e. “Free Coffee — Served By — (organization name)”. Signs or posters may only be placed in the area designated for the service including on vehicles within which the service is provided, and must be removed when the service is closed and upon expiration of the permit. No signs are to be placed outside the rest area confines by the organization other than official “Free Coffee” signs that may be provided by the Council.


The organization is responsible for all products and supplies necessary to provide “free coffee” service in the rest area including any extraordinary costs incurred by the Council as a result of this service. The Council reserves the right to charge the non-profit organization a fee for the electrical usage while offering the “free coffee’ service at the rest areas. The Council may provide access to limited electricity and water as determined by the Council.


Permits are not transferable and are revocable for non-compliance with any state statute, rest area rules, or the terms of the permit. Repeated failure to comply with the rules and regulations may result in the organization’s forfeiture of right to future participation in the program.

Source: Rule 733-030-0520 — Criteria, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 733-030-0520’s source at