OAR 733-030-0080
Requirements for Supplemental Messages on Logo Plaques

733-030-0080 (Requirements for Supplemental Messages on Logo Plaques)
Requirements for Supplemental Messages on Logo Plaques
(1) All Supplemental Messages must be displayed within the logo plaque in one horizontal line along the bottom of the plaque. The Supplemental Message must be reflective, displayed in a color to contrast effectively with the background of the logo plaque or be separated by a divider bar.
(2) On Interstate, Freeways and Expressways the Supplemental Message must have a minimum letter height of six inches and be proportional in size on all Ramp Logo Signs. On Conventional State Highways the Supplemental Message must have a minimum letter height of four inches.
(3) Gas Businesses that are exclusively card-lock stations must display the Supplemental Message CARD LOCK ONLY on Interstate, Freeway and Expressway logo plaques and CARD LOCK on Conventional State Highway logo plaques.
(4) Seasonal Businesses or Businesses that only qualify with an approved waiver must display a concise description of the waived issue as a Supplemental Message.
(5) Supplemental Messages with the words DIESEL, PROPANE, 24 HOUR, RV DUMP, RV PARKING, RV ACCESS, ALT FUELS, BIODIESEL, CLEAN DIESEL, B5 DIESEL, CLEAR PREMIUM or Wi-Fi, and/or the abbreviations CNG, EV, E85, LNG or DEF or a combination of two messages may be used by any Business that offers those products or services. If a Business elects to display the circular RV symbol, it must be the only Supplemental Message allowed. If a Business designated as an Interstate Oasis is displayed on a Logo Sign, the word OASIS may be used as a Supplemental Message on its logo plaque.
(6) All Supplemental Messages and their design on logo plaques must be approved by the Council.
(7) Logo plaques using separate logo riders must comply with Supplemental Message rules when those plaques are replaced with new plaques. All logo plaques must comply with Supplemental Message rules by March 27, 2019.

Source: Rule 733-030-0080 — Requirements for Supplemental Messages on Logo Plaques, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 733-030-0080’s source at