OAR 733-030-0420


Interstate Oasis signs are intended for use primarily in rural areas. Urban areas may be considered if a suitable location is available and approved by ODOT.


Interstate Oasis signs must be located so as to take advantage of natural terrain, to have the least impact on the scenic environment, and to avoid visual conflict with other signs within the highway right of way. Unprotected sign supports located within the clear zone must be of a breakaway design.


If adequate sign spacing allows, a separate Interstate Oasis sign may be installed in an effective location with spacing of at least 800 feet from other adjacent guide signs, including any Logo Signs. This sign must be located in advance of the advance guide sign or between the advance guide sign and the exit direction sign for the exit leading to the Oasis.


If the spacing of other Guide signs precludes use of a separate Interstate Oasis sign, a Supplemental Plaque with a white legend and border on a blue background may be appended above or below an existing Logo Sign or Guide Sign for the interchange.


A limit of one Interstate Oasis sign may be erected in advance of an interchange in each direction of travel.


The proposed locations of Interstate Oasis signs must be reviewed and approved by the Engineer to determine that no conflicts resulting in unsafe driving conditions will exist with other traffic control devices.

Source: Rule 733-030-0420 — Location, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 733-030-0420’s source at